Writing-Coaching and Editing Services
“Working with Hend Hegazi has changed my life. When I met Hend, I’d written several scenes of a novel and many short stories and was unsure how to make these projects something real and long-lasting. Within one session, Hend helped me learn how to identify as a writer and cultivate a writing practice I could maintain while guiding me on how to prioritize projects. Hend’s approach of meeting writers where they’re at and understanding their needs in crafting writing goals, deadlines, and ways to follow through have assisted me during the ups and downs of life. Hend’s encouragement and deep care combined with her insistence that I take myself and my writing seriously have helped me truly understand myself to be a writer and complete the projects that are most important to me. With Hend’s exceptional developmental editing, guidance on multiple publication processes, and support in ensuring I dedicate myself to the ways I write best, I’ve written a novel that I am now querying! I’ve also completed short stories and poems and am working on a second novel. Hend is a joy to work with for her excitement for clients and her flexibility, empathy, and concrete strategies on goal planning, time management, writing, and editing are making it possible for me to achieve my writing dreams. ”
Writing coaching
Are you having a hard time beginning a writing project?
Have you begun a project but are finding it difficult to finish?
Do you need help with the intricacies of plot and character?
Are you looking for feedback on the work you’ve done so far?
Are you looking for accountability?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I can help! I work with writers to fulfill their writing goals by coaching them through any stage of the writing journey, from getting clear on a vision, to creating a first draft, to sending out query letters.
Let’s start making that writing dream a reality!
If you’ve finished writing your project and are preparing to publish, then you know the importance of commissioning a professional editor. With over seven years of experience in the field, I help writers perfect their pieces, producing top-caliber final drafts. Some of the elements I scrutinize include:
Fluidity and cohesion of text
Plot holes
Plot development
Character development
Proper word choice
Grammatical mistakes
And so much more!
Manuscript Critique
Finding beta readers who can give you useful feedback is not always as easy as it sounds. That’s where my Manuscript Critique services come in! I will read your manuscript and give you professional feedback on various elements of your book. This option is great for:
Writers who seek the traditional publishing route, knowing that their (future) publisher will likely provide an inhouse developmental editor
Writers who plan to self-publish, but simply don’t have the means to commission a developmental editor
If you fit into either of these two categories, my critique services may be just what you’re looking for.