Developmental Editing For Non-Fiction
I check that the structure of the manuscript is solid, that it flows logically and seamlessly, that the points presented are fully developed, clear and consistent, and that the content remains engaging for the reader. Providing suggestions when improvements should be made, I make comments directly on the Word document according to the chapters or paragraphs requiring revision. In addition to this, I also provide authors with an Editorial Commentary letter which goes in depth regarding these elements. Any changes I make are done so with Track Changes turned on so that the author can compare the original to my changes.
I accept self-help, inspirational, and memoir manuscripts. I do NOT provide this service for academic or technical books.
The author and I will sign an editorial agreement, which includes a Non-Disclosure Clause, before we begin working together.
My rate is $30 (USD) per 1000 words, half to paid at the signing of the contract, and the final half once my feedback has been returned.
Developmental Editing For Fiction
I provide feedback on plot development, character development, consistency, believability, flow, structure, clarity, and other fiction elements, always making suggestions whenever improvements are required. I annotate the manuscript using Track Changes, and also provide authors with an Editorial Commentary letter which goes in depth regarding the above elements.
I accept most genres of fiction, the immediate exceptions being erotica and horror.
The author and I will sign an editorial agreement, which includes a Non-Disclosure Clause, before we begin working together.
My rate is $30 (USD) per 1000 words, half to paid at the signing of the contract, and the final half once my feedback has been returned.
Line Editing
At this time, I only provide line editing for manuscripts that I have already given a developmental edit.
Children’s Book Editing
I provide feedback on content, structure and flow, as well as flagging possible issues regarding the age appropriateness of the subject matter as well as the language. While I do not require the illustrations, I do give feedback on them when provided. I also make suggestions regarding possible illustrations. I do not provide Edit Letters for children’s picture books, as all of my edits are inline in the manuscript, as comments and suggestions. I give two rounds of edits for picture books, where the first is a developmental edit, and the second is either a line edit or another developmental edit, depending on the condition of the manuscript after the first round of revisions.
My rate for children’s picture books (not exceeding 1000 words) is $150 for two rounds of edits.