About that feedback...
The truth is that some feedback you’ll receive will be very useful--it will truly help you improve as a writer--and some will be utterly useless. And the truth is that *most* of the useless feedback is positive. For example, “This was a great book!” or “I love this author!” Those are wonderful sentiments, and every author LOVES to hear them! But while they are great for our egos, they do nothing for our writing.
Negative feedback, on the other hand, while it may feel like a punch in the face, is really the best thing for a writer. Here are some examples:
* The main character didn’t seem believable.
* The writer spent too much time describing settings/details.
* The secondary plot was underdeveloped.
* The order of events left me confused.
* The dialogue was realistic, but boring.
A writer can sit with each of these statements and analyze how she can make specific changes to improve her writing.
So don’t get discouraged if at any stage of your writing process you receive negative feedback. Know that, while it may hurt now, it really is in your (and your book’s!) best interest.
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